Ready to take ownership of your health and wellness?

It’s time for us to work together.

Fed up with yo-yo dieting and obsessing over calorie counts? Confused about contradictory nutrition and health advice? Not sure how to get started?


Together we will connect the dots between who you are and who you want to be. Together we will explore what truly works for you. If you’re ready to take full ownership of the health and wellness of your body, now is the time to reach out to me at Apogee Health.

Convenient solutions, Affordable prices

1-on-1 Coaching

30-minute free initial session

The One-on-One Private Coaching program is the most personalized health coaching program Apogee Health offers. In this program, you will work one-on-one with our founder, Julie Leizman, a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness coach. In these sessions, you will learn to set goals, understand and manage your triggers, and build resilience to commit to a healthier lifestyle.

Why do clients choose 1-1 coaching?

  • To understand how to get started. Sometimes, we know what to do but don't know how to start.
  • To break down health goals into manageable, actionable, and achievable pieces. Making changes can be scary or overwhelming.
  • To be held accountable. Going it alone makes changing much harder.

2 Types of coaching available to fit your style

  • Laser coaching: unlimited, on-demand, 15-minute sessions
  • 1x/week, 45-minute sessions

  Let's Get Started  

Customized Meal Plan


Let me help you set you along the path to your goals by alleviating the stress and worry of putting together a grocery list and trying to sort out a weekly meal plan. Together we will create a customized meal program that starts with a 20-minute live consultation with me and includes full recipes, quantities, grocery store lists, snacks, and general tips.

Virtual Pantry Clean Out

$397 3 hours

Together, we will thoroughly investigate what is currently in your pantry and how to stock it to serve your goals for long-term success while still considering those who live with you whose goals might differ from yours. This is not a "spring cleaning" of expiration dates but rather an opportunity to discuss labels and ingredients and closely examine how and what you cook and eat at home. You will walk away with a full understanding of what your food is made of, learn tips for managing a healthy kitchen, and shortcuts to make eating healthy a snap.

Private Cooking Class

$200 1.5 hours

This is a private cooking class in your home or done virtually. The purpose of the class is to make you more comfortable cooking using healthier techniques for you and your family. This is a fabulous class for anyone needing support transitioning to a newer, healthier lifestyle. Food is included in the price.